首先是这个消息的原文,本地一所名叫Woods Cross 高中校长今天写信给学生家长,信里承认因为州政府今天停止了“测试才能上学”的政策,导致学校没有理由阻止学生明天继续来校,因此即使是今天测试阳性的学生也被允许来学校。这消息一出,就炸了锅,来看看消息原文:



再说一下这个“Test To Stay” 政策,这个是本地州议会去年通过的一条法令,说是一个学校里如果阳性病例超过某个阈值,那么接下来的每一天上课前所有孩子都要进行快速测试,只有阴性结果的才被允许进入校园上课,阳性的或者拒绝测试的则必须自己在家隔离5天后才可以尝试进入校园。想法还不错,可现实piapia打脸,这几天疫情数字高涨,一些学校的阳性数目已经触发了这个政策,要实行测试了,结果发现找不到测试试剂 😂
现在哪儿哪儿都测试排几个小时长队,去哪里找那么多测试试剂呢? 因此州长和议员们一拍板: 既然没法测试,那咱们把这规矩暂停吧,要不然没试剂 ->没法测 -> 没阴性结果 -> 学生都来不了了->家长闹事。于是宣布暂停了这个测试规矩,于是上面这位守规矩的高中校长立马开始作为了: 啊家长们听好了啊,因为这个测试制度停了,我们没有规则可循来阻止阳性孩子来继续上学了,所以各位,全凭自觉了啊。。。
Dear parents and guardians,
Earlier today, Woods Cross High School conducted a Test to Stay event to comply with HB 1007. Under the guidelines of Test to Stay, those who tested positive for COVID-19 or declined testing are prohibited from attending school or participating in school activities for five days.
However, today Utah Governor Spencer Cox, in collaboration with Utah Senate President Stuart Adams, Utah Speaker of the House Brad Wilson, and State Superintendent of Public Education Sydnee Dickson, suspended all Test to Stay events going forward. The decision was based on shortages of tests and medical personnel to administer the tests.
With the suspension of the Test to Stay program, those protocols and standards are suspended. Other schools in the Davis School District, which had not held Test to Stay events, also won't face the previously held protocols and standards.
We rely on parents to make the decision that is best for their child, family, and community. (For additional guidance, please note recent updates provided by Centers for Disease Control.)
Students who tested positive or declined testing will be allowed to return to school and to participate in activities as of tomorrow, Friday, January 14. If your student is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, we urge you to keep your child home for a minimum of five days and to wear a mask for an additional five days upon returning to school. Teachers will continue to be flexible with students during this time.
The district will continue to work with the Davis County Health Department in identifying positive COVID-19 cases in classrooms and schools, isolating infected students, and publishing its COVID-19 dashboard. Staying home when sick continues to keep all of us as healthy as possible, as does frequent washing of hands, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, the use of face masks, and physically distancing when possible.
We will continue to share updated information as additional changes occur.
All my best,
Deanne T. Kapetanov, M.Ed.
Principal Woods Cross High School
学区 稍后发出的澄清/反驳校长通知:
Parents and guardians,
In further consultation with state leaders and Health Department officials, students who tested positive or declined to test during the Test to Stay event must remain in isolation for a minimum of five days. Those students should not return to school or participate in school activities until Wednesday, Jan. 19. Students who continue to have symptoms beyond the five days should still stay home until they have not experienced a fever for at least 24 hours.
Thank you for your consideration as we continue to educate students through a global pandemic.
Reid Newey